Akyaka ’23

Azmak Nehri’nin oluşturduğu buz gibi durgun suya girmek üzere tişörtümü çıkarırken turist olduğum her zamanki peynir beyazlığımdan ziyade dövmesiz vücudumdan anlaşılıyordu. “Acaba ne dövmesi yaptırırsam 40 sene sonra hala bıkmammış olurum” diye düşünürken yarım basketbol sahası kadar olan suyun ortasına grup halinde üşüyerek yürüdük, hızla batıp çıktım. Isınmak üzere çeyrek basketbol sahası kadar olan çakıl sahilde uzanmış dövmeli vücutlara basmamaya çalışaraktan çantaların yanına döndük. Continue reading Akyaka ’23

Books I Read in 2019

80% of business books are articles padded with fluff to fill up 250+ pages. The fluff part is usually the beginning where the author has to give examples showing that his premise worked in his sample of companies. Then there is the good part which is the article, followed by more fluff that talks about how life would be better now that this book is in our hands.  Continue reading Books I Read in 2019

The Perfect Hobby for Middle-Aged Males: Cycling

The number of sports one can properly perform decreases with age. I can no longer play football without getting some minor injury, if I stop training for a few weeks I get sore all over when I start running again. Perhaps most depressing is that I have lower back pain if I don’t regularly stretch or practice yoga; maintenance of the body becomes an uphill battle after 45.  Continue reading The Perfect Hobby for Middle-Aged Males: Cycling

Ideal Erkek Hobisi: Bisiklet 

Yaşlandıkça insanın yapabileceği sporlar azalıyor. Bisiklet, yüzme gibi sıkıcı, golf gibi uyuşuk, yürüyüş gibi anti-spor olmadığı için güzel bir opsiyon. Üstelik Londra düz olduğundan bisikleti aynı zamanda bir vesait olarak da kullanıyorum: park yeri derdi yok, yürümekten hızlı, çevreye faydalı, metroya göre sağlıklı…  Continue reading Ideal Erkek Hobisi: Bisiklet 

Why Do Men Get Emotional With Age?

Heartbroken at 18, I had calculated that the little happiness love would bring was not worth the commensurate pain, and with an engineer’s resolve, I declared myself above human emotions. Continue reading Why Do Men Get Emotional With Age?

Reading Orhan Pamuk, Nights of Plague

One of the perks of being a Turkish speaker is (roughly every four years) a new Orhan Pamuk book is published and we get to read it immediately revelling in his unique style with a feeling of nostalgia. Continue reading Reading Orhan Pamuk, Nights of Plague

Karadağ (Montenegro)

Teknede tanıştığımız Rus gençlerden esmer olan genç kız, “Sizi buraya ne attı?” diye sordu. “Kovid” dedim, onlar da aynı sebepten gelmişler. Virginia’da oturuyorlarmış ama aslen Sibiryalılarmış. Continue reading Karadağ (Montenegro)

Circe, Madeline Miller

I love to read all sorts of reviews, blog posts, book club notes; watch films and TV series on books that get me thinking. But most fulfilling are well written fan fiction novels. Circe is a very successful representative of this sub-genre. Continue reading Circe, Madeline Miller

Books I Read in 2018

For an obsessive compulsive reader like myself, every year begins – among others – with a goal to read certain amount of books of certain genres. However during the year, this goal gets derailed by my impulsive reading of a flashy new novel or a non-fiction topic that I find attractive as I find myself pressing the download button on my Kindle. Continue reading Books I Read in 2018